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Rogerio de Mello Pires

Accredited by SEI (Software Engineering Institute) to integrate the assessment teams (SCAMPI B) that use the CMMI as a reference model.Certifications:► PMP (Project Management Professional) / PMI ► CobiT Foundation (Control Objectives for IT) / ISACA► CSM (Certified Scrum Master) – Scrum Alliance ► ITIL Foundation (IT Infrastructure Library) – EXIN► MICROSOFT PROJECT Orange Belt – IIL► Introduction to CMMI V1.1 (Capability Maturity Model Integration) – SEI► Scampi CMMI V1.1 - SEI► CMMI Version 1.2 Upgrade Training (CMMIv1.2UT) - SEI► CMMI Version 1.3 Model Upgrade - SEI► GPM - Green Project Manager - IPMC► CPA10 - Certificação Profissional ANBIMA (Série 10)► CPA20 - Certificação Profissional ANBIMA (Série 20)► Lean Six Sigma - Green Belt► SFC - Scrum Fundamentals Certified – ScrumStudy.► PSM I - Professional Scrum Master I - Scrum.orgSpecialties:• Business Transformations• Lean / Six Sigma Methodologies/ Kaizen• Business Process Improvement / Re-engineeringProjects in the following companies: General Motors, Ford, Audi/VW, Delphi Automotive Systems, Jonhson Controls, EDS, Unisys, Carrefour, BV Bank , Colombia Bank , GMAC Bank, Marabraz, Vivo, Nova Base, Camargo Correa S.A,TAM, Itaú Bank, Unibanco Bank, Hipercard, Redecard, Itaú IBBA, PMI, Unicamp,Bags Vip Brasil, Microsoft, Vector ITC, Vardigital, LG , Ivyexec (New York) - Thestudyabroadportal (Madri), Atento, DB1, Senac MS, CNA Idiomas, Filóo Saude, Caiado Pneus, BWMV Produções, GlobalHitss, Claro, Next Bank, Bradesco BankPhone: +55 11 98288

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We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone achieved this week on the EAD24h platform.Over 11600 members have enrolled in our project management certification courses and are currently studying with us.We are proud to offer a free and accessible learning environment that allows professionals from various backgrounds to enhance their skills and pursue certifications at their own pace. This achievement demonstrates the value and demand for high-quality online education. We extend our congratulations to all the dedicated individuals who are investing their time and effort in furthering their knowledge in project management. Keep up the great work!

Aslan Tshimi



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Rogerio de Mello Pires






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