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PMI SP Scheduling Professional Exam Preparation Course

PMI SP Scheduling Professional Exam Preparation Course


PMI-SP® stands for Project Management Institute - Scheduling Professional certification. It is a certification program that validates the candidate's knowledge and skills in project scheduling, and their ability to develop and maintain project schedules that meet business needs. The PMI-SP® certification is designed for professionals who work in project management, project controls, or related fields, and who are interested in advancing their careers by obtaining a recognized certification in project scheduling. The certification covers a range of topics including scheduling concepts and techniques, schedule development and maintenance, schedule analysis and reporting, and project controls tools and techniques.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Tue Feb 2024
Total lectures 8
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 01:48:22 Hours
Total enrolment 129
Number of reviews 1
Avg rating
Short description PMI-SP® stands for Project Management Institute - Scheduling Professional certification. It is a certification program that validates the candidate's knowledge and skills in project scheduling, and their ability to develop and maintain project schedules that meet business needs. The PMI-SP® certification is designed for professionals who work in project management, project controls, or related fields, and who are interested in advancing their careers by obtaining a recognized certification in project scheduling. The certification covers a range of topics including scheduling concepts and techniques, schedule development and maintenance, schedule analysis and reporting, and project controls tools and techniques.