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How to Build a Product that Scales into a Company

How to Build a Product that Scales into a Company


This course will provide an overview of the steps necessary to build a product that can scale into a successful company. It will cover topics such as product design, market research, customer development, pricing, and marketing. It will also discuss the importance of building a team and the challenges of scaling a product. Finally, the course will provide practical advice on how to launch and grow a product into a successful business.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Wed Dec 2023
Total lectures 2
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 02:32:32 Hours
Total enrolment 34
Number of reviews 0
Avg rating
Short description This course will provide an overview of the steps necessary to build a product that can scale into a successful company. It will cover topics such as product design, market research, customer development, pricing, and marketing. It will also discuss the importance of building a team and the challenges of scaling a product. Finally, the course will provide practical advice on how to launch and grow a product into a successful business.